The Hub - Miss Hall -Mrs Merrill-Mrs Siwinski 2024 - 2025

Welcome to The Hub 1, 2 and 3

During the first few weeks back, the children will be helped to settle into the daily routine of school life by a team of staff who have a great deal of experience at working with pupils will additional and complex needs. The Hub is a total communication environment where children are supported through a comprehensive range of visual symbols aiding the understanding of what is happening now and next. The total communication approach also helps the children to develop pro-social behaviours and express themselves in a positive manner. Our children are taught how to communicate their wants and needs through the use of communication boards and books and the majority of their academic learning is taught and assessed using this method.

To address the needs of our children we maintain a strong focus on the teaching of social interaction, emotional regulation strategies and the development of life-skills and independence. The Hub timetable provides ample opportunity for our children to engage in a diverse range of sensory and physical activities all within a safe and secure environment.

Over the coming weeks, the children will be expanding their vocabulary through a range of engaging books and interactive resources. They will get the opportunity to practise the words they have learnt in a range of practical learning contexts.

We look forward to an exciting and action-packed year!

Miss Hall, Mrs Siwinski and Mrs Merrill.

Mrs Merrill is the Hub's 1 class teacher. The team also includes Mrs Spencer and Mrs Bates.

Mrs Siwinksi is the Hub 2's class teacher. The Hub team also includes Miss Wright and Mrs Whittaker.

Miss Hall is the Hub 3's class teacher. The Hub team also includes Mrs Brittleton and Mrs O Brian.

In The Hub 1, we monitor the progress of our children using The Engagement Model and Cherry Garden Assessment Framework.

In the Hub 2,  we monitor progress using the Cherry Garden Assessment Framework and PIVATS Milestones.

In the Hub  3, we monitor the progress of our children using the Cherry Garden Assessments- Pre-Key Stage Standards and the AET Framework.

The morning consists of a range of activities designed to meet communication, language, numeracy and social and emotional development targets. The children access a Sensory Circuit session every day and The Hub 3 visit a local gym on Wednesday afternoons to promote sensory regulation and gross-motor skill development.

What does your child need to bring to school every day?

Please ensure that your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day so that they can access a drink throughout the school day.

If your child wears nappies or pull-ups, then the school will need supplying with enough to last for the day plus spares and baby wipes.

Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. The school does not have a supply of spare clothes for children so it is essential that they are well dressed e.g. a waterproof coat with a hood for wet weather and have spare clothes to change in to if they have an accident.

PE kits

Please make sure that uour child has their PE kit with them all week. If you are able to bring your child's PE kit into school on Monday mornings, then they will be returned each Friday for washing.

This should be clearly labelled with your child’s name and includes black pumps or trainers, black shorts and a green t-shirt.


Excellent attendance is vital for achieving your child’s potential. The classroom door opens at 8:40am for morning registration. There will be a member of The Hub team waiting at the classroom door to welcome your child. If you have a message for your child's class teacher, unless it is urgent, if possible, please arrange to speak to her at the end of the school day as mornings are a busy time inside the classroom.

It is important that children arrive on time for school every day. This helps them to settle into the school day quickly and calmly. This has a positive impact on their ability to engage in their learning. 

School finishes at 15.05 and children need to be collected from The Hub gate at this time.

Supporting your child

Individual targets for each child are set in collaboration with other professionals such as speech therapists and educational psychologists. These will be shared with parents each term by way of the SEN Implementation Plan. These plans are regularly updated to reflect the progress that the children are making along with input from parents and other external professionals. Miss Hall is happy to discuss any aspect of your child’s targets and can support you in ways to help your child best achieve these.



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Wistaston Academy

Moreton Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 8QS

Dominique Griffiths: Principal

01270 910500

[email protected]