At Wistaston Academy, we aim to nurture pupils’ curiosity and understanding of the world. We understand the importance of broadening children’s cultural capital and of celebrating other languages and cultures to avoid insularity. At Wistaston Academy, MFL lessons focus on French. As they journey through our school, children will develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills and will be prepared for further language learning, having gained an understanding of how to pronounce words in French and the confidence to build simple sentences. The MFL curriculum has been designed to be ambitious and its delivery meets the needs of all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND. MFL lessons incorporate progression of vocabulary, phonology and grammar so that pupils can speak with increasing confidence, understand spoken and written language and can write at varying length. Creatively planned MFL lessons ensure pupils learn through the review, recall, practise and application of well-sequenced content which build upon skills taught in other subjects. MFL lessons utilise the skills, knowledge and cultural wealth of the community while supporting the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
We have designed the MFL curriculum with the intent that our pupils will:
- Develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a balanced way
- Become language detectives and use their understanding of English to support their language learning
- Explore the patterns and sounds of the target language and develop their ability to understand other speakers
- Speak in sentences to engage in conversations and develop effective pronunciation so that they can be understood
- Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language
- Progressively encounter languages from Early Years through to Year Six.
- Learn new vocabulary that will be embedded in their long-term memory
- Develop an understanding of basic grammar to allow them to connect the vocabulary that they have learned
- Express their thoughts and ideas through writing at varying length
- Develop an awareness of other languages and cultures and treat these with respect
- Develop a love for language learning and be prepared for further language studies in KS3 onwards
The curriculum is led and overseen by the MFL lead, who works alongside class teachers, to plan, monitor and continually evaluate MFL to ensure it is effective, exciting and continually improving.
The curriculum is implemented through:.
- A long-term plan that demonstrates a careful curriculum: one that is interconnected, embeds learning into the long-term memory and introduces new vocabulary, phonology and grammar in a systematic and sequenced manner
- Units which are comprised of well planned, exciting and coherent sequences of lessons that are tailored specifically for our children and make connections between previous and new learning
- Weekly French lessons that promote ‘overlearning’ of language through repeated recall to embed language into the pupils’ long-term memory
- A balanced approach to the progression of the four core skills of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing
- Lessons that introduce new vocabulary in a sequenced, cumulative manner and revisit vocabulary each year to ensure excellent retention of learning
- Progression of basic grammar to enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language
- Lessons that develop the pupils’ understanding of the sounds and patterns in the language
- A ‘detective’ approach to language that encourages children to use their understanding of other languages
- Lessons which draw upon and reinforce skills learnt in other subjects
- Lessons which promote a love of languages through the use of stories, songs and games
- Regular feedback from teachers which not only addresses misconceptions but also deepens, challenges and supports learning
- End of unit learning assessments to track progress
- A multicultural awareness and celebration of all languages spoken within our school and wider community
- Lessons which develop the pupils’ cultural understanding of the world and of the countries where the target language is spoken
- Cross-curricular links with other subjects that embed language learning across the wider curriculum
- Displays which promote retention and recall of key vocabulary taught through lessons
- Whole school encounters to enthuse a love of language learning and an understanding of other cultures
- Children will be enthusiastic about and enjoy MFL lessons
- Half-termly end of unit assessments will demonstrate the majority of children achieve age-related expectations within MFL
- Children’s achievements in MFL will be in line with achievements across other subjects
- Children will develop increasingly effective pronunciation and be able to converse with other speakers, asking questions and responding correctly
- Children will be able to utilise their language to express their own thoughts and ideas through speaking and writing, without overly relying on set phrases
- Children will demonstrate an understanding of the sounds and patterns of the language that will allow them to listen to and understand other speakers
- Children will make connections between what they have previously learned and what they are currently learning
- Children will demonstrate excellent retention of prior learning of vocabulary, phonology and grammar
- Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND achieve the best possible outcomes in MFL
- Children will leave Wistaston Academy with the skills, knowledge and attitude that will allow them to embrace the next stage in their education
- Children will celebrate other languages and cultures and will demonstrate a love for language learning
- Children will be aware of the importance of learning languages and be able to discuss why we learn languages
- Children of all ages at Wistaston Academy will encounter language learning through the core skill of listening
- Children will progress to develop all four core skills of language learning and there will be a clear progression of these skills from Year 3 to Year 6