Read, Write, Inc.

Teaching children to read is a top priority for teachers at our school.

We put as much energy as we possibly can into making sure that every single child learns to read as quickly as possible whilst developing a love of books. We know that reading opens doors for all children and helps to develop skills that can be utilised in all walks of life.


Your child will begin to learn to read by following the ‘Read Write Inc.’ phonics programme; a systematic, lively, inclusive programme for all children learning to read. In the main, it is a two year programme for reception and year 1, although some children will stay on it into year 2 and beyond. Some Key Stage 2 children who are learning English as an Addition Language also join the programme. Read Write Inc. is a rapid learn to read programme enabling children to read to learn for the rest of their lives. Daily lessons involve a variety of phonic, reading and writing activities.


The children are grouped in small homogenous groups and the activities focus around a story book matched closely to their reading ability. The Reading Manager oversees assessment, assessing the children each half term and then grouping them accordingly. The reading manager also monitors daily lessons to ensure the programme is taught with fidelity and to ensure that the work is well matched to the children’s skills. In addition regular staff training ensures staff are kept up to date with developments in the programme. 

Our school has found this programme to be highly effective in teaching children to read. We have found the most success in pupils who also read at home and develop a love of reading alongside their parents.


Wistaston Academy - Read, Write, Inc. Model School

We are very proud to be awarded the title of Read, Write, Inc. model school for the fourth consecutive year.


This means that our teachers and teaching assistants consistently demonstrate best practice teaching using the Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme.


Read, Write, Inc. Phonics at Wistaston Academy

We would like to help you understand how your child is learning to read with phonics – specifically ‘Read Write Inc.’ Phonics.

What Read Write Inc. does is simple - we teach our children to read sounds, children then practise reading and spelling words containing these sounds, then we give children decodable books containing sounds and words they can read.

They read each storybook three times at school and again with you at home.

On each reading, children’s fluency increases and the more they can focus on what the story is about.

Children also learn to spell the words they have been reading and develop their ideas into sentences so that they can write about the Storybooks they read.


The 5 Ps

Read, Write, Inc. is a highly structured phonic programme which has five underlying principles; the five Ps.


Teachers use a variety of silent signals which the children are taught to respond quickly too which ensures not time is wasted. Lessons should be energetic and exciting to ensure that children are so involved there is not ‘downtown’.


Children learn more quickly when they are praised for what they do well, rather than told what they do wrong. Praise phrases and praise actions are used throughout the lessons to support this.


The programme consists of many different activities and each one has a very clear purpose. The teacher sets the purpose at the beginning of each activity so the children fullu understand what they are learning and why. The purpose of the teaching is made clear through modeling and thinking out loud.


Participation is key to the programme. All children take part in all of the lesson. This is achieved through choral work using ‘My turn, your turn’ and partner work.


Teachers are passionate about what they are teaching and show the children how much they love teaching the lessons and this provides a good model for the children.



Please click on the pages (grey boxes) below for more information on RWI and supporting your child's reading and spelling.

Where else can I find information?

Watch video tutorials on to help you to understand more about Read Write Inc. Phonics and how to help your child read and write at home.

Other useful websites:

Ruth Miskin Facebook:

Free e-books for home reading:



Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Moloney, RWI Reading Leader

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Wistaston Academy

Moreton Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 8QS

Dominique Griffiths: Principal

01270 910500

[email protected]