Year 2 B - Miss Nicholas 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 2
Year 2 will be taught by Mrs Lawton (2A) and Miss Nicholas (2B).
In the morning, we have daily maths lessons and Literacy. After lunch, we have topic lessons, PE, PSHE, art and RE. Our topic lessons cover: science, computing, history, geography, DT and music. Over the year, we will cover lots of exciting topics such as: the seaside, The Great Fire of London and China.
Children receive weekly art session led by Mrs Walsh.
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure that your child has a named kit, which includes: black pumps or trainers, black shorts and either a green or white t-shirt. Long hair needs to be tied back. All earrings need to be removed before school on the day of PE. Where ears have recently been pierced, your child’s earrings will need to be covered with tape. This needs to be done either at home or by the child themselves. This is in line with the school policy.
Excellent attendance is vital for achieving your child’s potential. Please ensure your child is in school promptly at 8.40.
School finishes at 3.15 and children are collected from classrooms at this time.
What to bring to school
Please ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day, with their name clearly labelled. Your child should have a book bag, which should also be brought in every day in case they have things to take home. Please make sure your child’s coat, book bag and jumper or cardigan is clearly labelled with their name and class.
If your child attends RWI sessions in school, they will bring home two RWI books each Thursday to share with you. If your child attends Literacy sessions, they will bring home an Accelerated Reader book. Please support them by listening to them read and asking questions about what they have read. These books need to be returned to school each Monday.
There will be a charge of £2 for lost or damaged books.
Contacting teachers
If you wish to contact your child’s class teacher, please use the year group email [email protected]