Year 3 A - Miss Bailey 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 3
Year 3 will be taught by Miss Bailey and Miss Waters. Learning in Year 3 is supported by Mrs Evanson, Mrs Whalley and Mrs Broomhall.
In the morning, we have daily maths lessons and Read Write inc. or Literacy.
In the afternoons, we will be looking at a wide range of topics in our class. In History, we will be learning about the Stone Age. In Science, we will be studying rocks, soils and fossils.
This term we are looking at Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.
Children should continue to practise their times tables (2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s) as this is an important skill across all areas of mathematics. In Year 3 we will also be learning our 4- and 8- times tables.
During literacy, we are basing our writing on our class book. We will use this as inspiration to write a piece of fiction and information writing. It will also be the basis of our reading lessons.
Read Write Inc
If your child attends RWI sessions in school, they will bring home two books every Thursday to share with you. Please support them by listening to them read and asking questions about what they have read. They might also enjoy teaching you the sounds and words at the front of the story books.
These books need to be returned to school each Monday.
There will be a charge of £2 per book for lost or damaged books.
Children receive weekly Art sessions on Fridays led by Mrs Walsh.
Our PE days are:
Wednesday and Fridays
Please make sure that your child has a named kit, which includes black pumps or trainers, black shorts and either a green or white t-shirt. Long hair needs to be tied back. Children will not be able to borrow spare PE kit at this current time.
All earrings need to be removed before school or the lesson for PE sessions. Where ears have recently been pierced, it is essential that children have their own plasters from home to cover their earrings. This needs to be done either at home or by the child themselves. This is in line with the school policy.
Excellent attendance is vital for helping your child to achieve their full potential. Please ensure your child is in school promptly at 8.40am.
Year 3 finishes at 3.15pm and children continue to be collected from classrooms at this time.
Home learning
Parents are encouraged to read with their children every day to support progress in reading and to help nurture a love for reading.
There will be TT Rockstar battles against the other classes, please ensure your child takes part as there now is a national year 4 times table assessment online.